Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The mission of St. James Presbyterian Kingdom Kids is to encourage children to know the Word of God deeply and the Lord Jesus personally, while empowering them to be a light in their community and the world.

Discipleship Hour
Kids are a welcome and joyful part of worship! We like their energy and yes, we like it when they squeal with joy, too. During worship, kids attend with their families. Here's what's available to help:
- Children of all ages are welcome to spend some or all of their worship time at the Prayground space located near the front. With their families, children will find it to be a sacred place to experience worship in a hands-on way.
- Worship bags and coloring supplies are available for children who wish to worship in the pews with their families.
- The Wiggle Room is located inside our sanctuary and is intended for babies and toddlers and their parents.
During our Discipleship Hour time, children ages 4-5th grade are invited downstairs to The Kingdom to dive deeper into the Bible.